Corporate Summary





Company Name IGPI Business Analytics & Intelligence, Inc.
Address Gran Tokyo South Tower 8F, 1-9-2 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-6608
Contacts E-mail:
Tel: +81(3)4562-1530
Fax: +81(3)4562-1100
Business operations Support for business creation and business transformation utilizing AI
Support for analysis of big data held by companies and their strategic use
Support for start-up ventures related to big data and AI
Paid-in Capital 10 million yen
CEO Takayoshi Kawakami
Major Shareholders Industrial Growth Platform, Inc.
IGPI Group Companies

Industrial Growth Platform, Inc.

IGPI (Shanghai) Limited

Industrial Growth Platform Pte. Ltd. (Singapore)

Japan Platform of Industrial Transformation, Inc. (JPiX)

Michinori Holdings, Inc.

Nanki-Shirahama Airport, Inc.

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