Core Members


Mr. Kawakami joined IGPI after working at a major trading house and at General Electric. He has been in charge of many projects for AI-related company-wide strategy formulation, new business development, AI development, big data analysis and IoT strategies.
Partner, IGPIGroup
Managing Director of Industrial Growth Platform, Inc. (IGPI)
CEO, Advanced Technology Acceleration Corporation (ATAC)
CEO, Matsuo Institute, Inc.
CEO, One Office, Inc.
CEO, Deep30, Inc.
Director, Ollo, Inc.
Director, ACES, Inc.
Advisor, AKARI, Inc.
Advisor, EAGLYS, Inc.
Board Member, Japan Deep Learning Association (JDLA)
Advisor to the Dean, School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo

YUTAKA MATSUOCAO (Chief Analytics Officer)

Dr. Matsuo graduated from the Department of Information and Communication Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, at the University of Tokyo in 1997 and earned his PhD in engineering from the same university’s Graduate school of Engineering in 2002. That same year, he joined the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) as a researcher. From 2005, he served as a visiting scholar at Stanford University. In 2007, he became an associate professor at the Institute of Engineering Innovation, the Center for Knowledge Structuring, and the Department of Technology Management for Innovation (TMI) at the University of Tokyo’s Graduate School of Engineering. From 2014, he served as the joint representative and associate professor for the Chair for Global Consumer Intelligence at TMI. Since 2019, he has held the position of Professor at the Research into Artifacts, Center of Engineering (RACE) and TMI at the University of Tokyo’s Graduate School of Engineering.

He specializes in the fields of artificial intelligence, web mining and big data analysis.

President, Japan Deep Learning Association (JDLA)
External Board Director, SoftBank Group Corp.
Expert member, Council of New Form of Capitalism Realization (CNFCR)
Chair, AI Strategy Conference.


In the latter 1990s at Goldman Sachs, Mr. Shiono was involved in stock trading of technology-related firms in the U.S. stock market, gaining entrepreneurial experience in the field of internet in its early days. At a venture capital of Livedoor following 2003, he was in charge of venture investment. After that, as vice president of Livedoor Securities, he handled numerous corporate acquisitions and business development projects in and outside Japan for technology-related companies.
At IGPI, he has been providing consulting for strategic planning and implementation and offering M&A advice. In recent years, he has been handling many projects involving company-wide strategy building and business development in the areas of AI and IoT. He joined IGPI after working at companies including Citibank, Goldman Sachs, a start-up, Bain & Company and Livedoor.
Partner, IGPI Group, Inc.
Managing Director, Industrial Growth Platform, Inc. (IGPI)
CIO, JBIC IG Partners
Former member, Ethics Committee of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence
Former member, sectional working group of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry’s Industrial Structure Council
External Director, NewsPicks, Inc.
BA in Law from Keio University
Master’s degree from Washington University School of Law.


While with ChuoAoyama Audit Corporation, Ms. Mochizuki was engaged in statutory auditing and internal auditing for major listed companies, IPO preparation support, etc. After joining IGPI, with an emphasis on the manufacturing and internet media industries, she has been involved in management planning and execution support for revitalization and new business development projects, due diligence, M&A advisory, etc.
She is Partner of IGPI Group, Inc., Managing Director of Industrial Growth Platform, Inc. (IGPI) and an outside director of euglena Co., Ltd..
She graduated from Waseda University’s School of Political Science and Economics, and is a certified public accountant.


After working for Arthur Andersen (KPMG), he founded Gem Associates. He participated in the preparations to establish the Industrial Revitalization Corporation of Japan. After this entity was dissolved, he became one of the founders of IGPI. He also serves as representative director of Gem Associates and as an outside director of Only Corporation. He has abundant experience serving as a member of committees related to energy and local administration.
He graduated from the University of Tokyo, Faculty of Law.